Health Problems Associated with Large Breasts

The media often glamorize women with large breasts. Women who live with heavy breasts know that there is often more to the story. Large breasts can pose health risks and issues of discomfort for some women. Enlarged breasts are referred to as a condition called macromastia. Macromastia can decrease quality of life in those who suffer from it. It is important to understand the potential health symptoms of living with breast discomfort due to the size of your breasts. Breast health is a key component of a woman's overall health.

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Breast Pain

Pain related to living with heavy breasts can radiate throughout the neck, shoulders, and back. The pain is chronic and can diminish a woman's ability to do regular exercise or fulfill daily duties at work and home. The pain can also extend into the skull and cause headaches. Many women overcompensate their posture to account for the heaviness they experience in their large breast. This can lead to slumping, sore muscles, and spinal injuries. Prolonged slumped posture can cause nerve damage. It is not uncommon for women with large breasts to experience tingling and numbness in their extremities. It can be difficult to find a proper bra to accommodate heavy breasts. Most bras are not fitted with straps that are made to handle heavy breasts. This causes the straps to dig into a woman's shoulder and create painful red welts and indentations on the skin.

Breast Skin Issues

Enlarged breasts are associated with a number of skin problems. The constant rubbing of skin against skin can create painful rashes and yeast infections. Large folds of skin can make it difficult to properly clean and dry the area surrounding the breasts. Hot weather and humidity can cause sweating and irritation that can damage the skin and create chronic irritation. Many women experience the issue of their skin stretching to accommodate the mass of their breasts. This can leave unsightly stretch marks and excess skin. The pain and embarrassing red marks can make women feel depressed, embarrassed, and hopeless about their physical state.

Emotional Problems

Not all of the health problems associated with enlarged breasts are physical. There is a very serious meantal health component to living with breast discomfort. Many women living with disproportionate breasts suffer from poor body image and low self-esteem. Breasts of large size often attract unwanted attention and commeants. This can cause a person to live in a state of constant vigilance and insecurity about their appearance. Some women take drastic measures to tape their large breasts to conceal them. Other women simply stop interacting with people and live a life of isolation. Social situations and clothing shopping can become areas of life that cause extreme stress. Women with large busts should not neglect their physical and emotional health. It is important to inform your doctor if you are experiencing any of the physical or emotional manifestations of health problems associated with large breasts. No women should have to walk around feeling insecure or ashamed about the state of her body because of the size or shape of her large breasts.