How to Remove Stains From Satin Underwear?

We like to pretend that we're full of sugar and spice and everything nice, but let's face it ladies, it's a natural part of life, from sweat to periods to discharge, that after awhile your gorgeous satin bras and panties start to sport some stains. And nothing feels less sexy than satin thongs with a big 'ol stain on them.

satin pantiesFortunately, it is possible to salvage your favorite satin undergarmeants. With a few washing tips, some trial and error and a bit of TLC, your satin underwear can be as good as new. Cold water First of all, when dealing with satin, always use cold water. If you've been washing your satin bras and panties in hot water and wondering why they always come out all misshapen and crinkly, it is because hot water both damages the material and causes the satin to shrink. Not to meantion that hot water will actually cause stains to further set in the fabric. Yikes! Another big no-no that you always want to avoid, no matter how desperate you get, is bleach. I promise, it will only make the situation worse. Act fast

Depending on the type of stain you have, you may need to try a couple of different tactics. But don't despair! A solution is out there. As with all general stain removal, if you can get if when it's fresh it will be easier to remove. This is, of course, not always possible. However, if your monthly visitor has popped in a few days early a left an unpleasant surprise on your undies, it will be easiest if you take care of that as soon as possible. No bleach! For blood stains, use a mixture composed of 1 quart of cold water, 1/2 teaspoon liquid bleach-free detergent and 1 tablespoon ammonia. Soak your underwear in the mixture for at least 15 minutes and then gently rub the stained area. For fresh stains, let your panties soak for at least another 30 minutes before rinsing them out. For set stains, they may need to soak for several hours. Also, you can soak it in chlorine-free stain remover like OxyClean. For discharge or other bodily fluid stains, gently dab the stained area using a sponge and white wine vinegar. Sweat stains can also be removed using this method of gently dabbing with a sponge, either with ammonia or white wine vinegar. So ladies, pull out those stained satin undies and get washing!