Make Colorful Bras Your Friend, Not An Enemy

You’re in the store shopping for bras and they have a three for something deal and you default to your comfort colors. You get a black, a white and a nude color. You get home and realize that all of your bras fall into those three colors. If you’re in your closet right now staring at your boring bras and you’re looking to spice things up a bit, here are 5 reasons why you should start purchasing colorful bras.

From Basic to Boom!

I know that it’s easier to play it safe and go for what you know, but what about going for who you are for a change? If your closet isn’t filled with boring, basic colors then you should also have an assortment of colorful bras. To start off, see if you can find bras that match the shirts you currently have.

colorful bras, blue bras

Sheer Colorful Bras

To the ladies that don’t wear anything sheer, there is no excuse as to why you can’t have some fun with your bras. You should already be ahead of the game with an arrangement of colorful bras. For the ladies that have a couple of outfits tucked away in the closet for those special moments, this is your time to shine! If you’re brave and secure enough with yourself to embrace sheer, then jazz the visual even more with a colorful bra to match.

colorful bras sheer patterns

Print Fabric and Texture = Personality

Colorful bras don't extend to just color. It can encompass print and texture as well. Your bra can have a message just like your favorite shirt does. Be free and have some fun!

Matching Panties and Bras

You are a grown woman and it’s time to be grown even underneath your clothes. No more of this mismatch panties and bras. I understand that it’s just work or you’re tired, but this is your womanhood we’re talking about! There is nothing more grown and sexy than a woman with a matching bra and panties…nothing. The only times when your colorful bra can become your enemy is when it is worn out, showing fading signs. No bra look decent when old, so always keep track of your bra shopping calendar! It’s time to embrace who you are. You are a strong, beautiful, confident woman…and you are sexy. You should feel sexy too. There is nothing wrong with making yourself look and feel extra good! Your man or significant other will notice and agree.