What is The Most Favorable Lingerie For Pear Shaped Women?

Some women struggle to know what kind of lingerie for pear shaped women to buy. In order to experience a more successful shopping trip, as well as more satisfaction with purchases, you should first consider what body shape you have. Take into consideration where you are most curvaceous, as well as the size of both your chest and bottom half. Doing this will help you figure out what body type you have and what lingerie will be most suitable for you. A pear shaped woman is a woman that possesses a smaller chest, but a larger bottom, including her hips and thighs. This, by no means, suggests that a woman is unattractive. A woman with a pear shaped body type can feel just as attractive as a woman with another body shape, though many women have a hard time finding underwear that flatter the pear shape. Below find the tips.

lingerie for pear shaped women

A Few Tips on Lingerie for Pear Shaped Women

First, lingerie for pear shaped women is not the same as lingerie for a woman with, say, an apple shape. Pear shaped women should stick to the low rise range, something that will flatter the wider curves they possess around the lower half. Lingerie for pear shaped women should not include high rise panties, such as granny panties, since this is not flattering. In fact, this kind of panty is one the worst that you can wear if you are a pear shaped woman. Low rise bikini style with hi cut leg openings is flattering as this kind of bikini draws attention away from the difference in proportions. Women who possess thicker hips and thighs should look for underwear that is low rise and high cut on the sides, to make their legs look longer and slimmer.

The combination of these two qualities helps to make a pear shaped woman appear thinner around her bottom half, balancing her out with her smaller top half. It will help her feel alluring to know that she has flattering underwear that will draw attention to the flattering aspect of her curves. The Nipplex collection from Poland features some of the favorite, best-selling bra and panty sets that are soft, and can make the pear shaped woman feel sexy as well as fabulously comfortable. Also, good quality high cut panties are made by HANRO of Switzerland. At our store you will be most likely satisfied with the purchase of Pamela white bikini panties by Wiesmann. They can be matched with best selling white sheer bra.