Why Do We Need Undergarments?

Your Day Begins, and as usual you shower, grab a cute little pair of cotton bikini panties, a push up bra to match and slide comfortably into your work clothes and off you go. Your car won't start so you have to walk to the bus stop. It's hot and muggy and you start to, you know, perspire. You have on cotton undergarmeants and it soaks most of the perspiration up, thank goodness for cotton. You arrive at work fairly dry, at least your clothing didn't get drenched.

fullcoverage lace bra

At work you sit next to a nice lady named Moon who graduated in the 60's. As a result from wearing the hippy beads she went bra-less during that particular fad. Today you can not see whatever it was that she needed the bra for. Apparently no support then, meant that there would be no support later as well. We all learn from other people's mistakes right? The more I think about it, the full coverage bra has redeeming qualities. It also helps to hold in those bulges.

The silky kind of undergarmeants in general help to keep the panty lines and bra straps from showing through any lightweight summer clothing also. Female undergarmeants especially lingerie serve a purpose, just ask our boyfriends or husbands. Let's face it, if they have to look at the same woman daily, they might as well get some colorful wrapping. Consider yourself a gift. Wrap in it ladies! If you are not at the bulges stage of the game yet, wear thongs, or hiphuggers and show them off, just don't tell anyone that I said that was okay.

white lace push up bra and hiphuggers

So as your day ends you can look back with gratitude at your female undergarmeants and see that they helped you from sliding all over where body parts don't belong. They helped you to absorb perspiration and keep bulges from poking through your tailored clothing. It's nice to know that when you stroll to the water heater in the office, you are safely in check and not bouncing to the right and the left like the hokey pokey coming and going. Before the light goes off you have peeled off the day's undergarmeants, and laid out a fresh pair of bikini panties and push up bra for tomorrow. You slip into some sexy lingerie and slide into bed. Thank goodness for ladies undergarmeants, they make us feel loved and supported.